Sunday, March 11, 2012


While going through a stack of books about the history of animation, I found these cute doggies. I decided to draw them. I hope one to be able to actually make an animated cartoon. Still trying to learn the Pencil Animation freeware. I will get it one day.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Nova's Bakery and Urban Sketchers

Well, one of my inspirations for beginning this blog in the first place was another blog called Urban Sketchers. It's a remarkable blog where many wonderful artists contribute their artwork from all around the world. They are simply sketching their city surroundings. It all looks all so easy until you try it.

One afternoon I was going to try on location drawing. Instead of standing there drawing, I just took a picture of Nova's Bakery and decided to sketch from that instead.  So this is the sketch that resulted.

Originally I thought that you needed to go to cities like Charleston and Savannah to find gems to sketch, but that's not true. Charlotte's got a lot!

Hopefully I can get more into sketching on location. Stay tuned!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

It's Time to Wake up the Blog!'s been a long a time...too long since I've posted on this blog. I was inspired to dust off the sketch books and start over again after receiving a very nice comment about my handwriting style. So thanks to you dear commenter, you've lit a fire and I thank you for it.

The other day, I found an old National Geographic magazine at work and inside were these lovely photos of roosters. I sketched from the magazine while watching TV one night last week and this drawing is the result. I also had some fun playing with all the different effects in Photoshop to add a really textured look to the second sketch.

Original Rooster Sketch

Rooster with Photoshop texture 
So stay tuned, I have many projects brewing! In between dreaming of baking the perfect cookie and finishing a quilt for a baby that's walking now, I have decided that I need to make time to draw as well. You know, just squeeze it in somehow.