Wednesday, February 19, 2014

It's been a while...

Hello! I am back again. A lot has happened in my life. Left my old job and started a new one. Bought a house and moved to the country. I am sort of missing Charlotte, but I really like the slower pace of life in Belmont. I've been really focused on everything except for drawing and blogging.

Anyway, I was doing some temp work and found a lovely crab on the receptionist's desk that I was filling in for that day. That crab kept starring at me. I knew what it wanted. It was begging for me to sketch it.

Awwww....Cute Crab!
So I looked through Ellen's things...a behold, a red pen. I was so happy that the company asked if I brought a book to read, which meant to me please entertain yourself in between answering the phones. No problem! So here is the result of sitting at a desk with no internet access. What a cute crab!

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